Mulliyawalai police summoned six Tamil men who organised Maaveerar Naal (Great Heroes day) remembrance events at Mulliyawalai Thuyilum Illam cemetery in November last year and recorded statements from them. They were questioned regarding an arch shaped decoration erected at the entrance of the cemetery that allegedly contained imagery relating to the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) on them, according to the Police. Six men included four local council members of Karaithuraippattu divisional council, namely, Kamalanathan Vijinthan, Chinnarasa Lokeswaran, Thiruchelvam Ravindran, Thavarasa Amalan and two civil society activists, namely, Gnanadas Prashan and Baskaran Vanajan. Maaveerar Naal is the annual remembrance day for fallen Tamil rebels in the North East who fought against the Sri Lankan military during Sri Lanka’s civil war. The day is remembered each year by the people in North and East Sri Lanka, often experiencing intimidation and harassment from Sri Lankan security forces. The organizers of the event stated that they were not trying to regroup LTTE, but peacefully commemorating the day, same as they have done in the previous years. On 26th of November, after being questioned by Mulliyawalai Police, they had agreed to cover the imagery that Police found problematic, with paints, and they had left it temporarily covered with clothes. However, when they arrive at the site the next morning, they have found that someone has taken away the decoration, and ripped off the clothes that they covered.
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